What Are You Doing For The Rest of Your Life

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Everyone Should Have The Love Of A Pet

Bella, is my beautiful girl..
Gizzy loves playing with bubbles

Beau and Bella's baby picture

This is Sammy, he is a momma's baby

This is Seymour, Sammy's brother, he is just a spoiled brat

Samantha is our talker, she loves to talk to you

Beau always wants to play with his squeaky toys and has quite the collection

Simon, what can I say about Simon, he is a big baby and loves riding on your shoulder.

Simon and Gizzy are the best of friends

When the fireplace is burning, they come running

I am really excited for Holly and Ramses and their new baby girl. Can't wait to see it, must have picture. These are just a few of our family members, whom we spend quite a lot of time with. You will never have enough pictures...Keep your camera ready at all times.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Yes, Chelsea's Baby Shower Was A Success. Can't Wait To Meet The Pea In The Pod

I had a great time at Chelsea's Baby Shower, was lots of fun. Can't wait to meet the sweet "Pea in the Pod" Won't be long now. Enjoy some of the memories I captured...
